MEMSA and its members welcome the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and National Treasury’s (NT) initiative in reviewing the design, implementation and impact of South Africa’s Research and Development (R&D) tax incentive ahead of its sunset date of 30 September 2022, with a view to potentially extend the incentive going forward.

MEMSA and our partner organisation in the mining value chain regard the incentive as a valuable element within a broader context of support for research, development and innovation. Continued R&D is essential to remaining competitive within an industry where extreme environments, health, safety and environmental considerations demand creative solutions, while digitisation and 4IR profoundly influence mining operations and technologies.

MEMSA and its members reviewed the content of the discussion paper and provided feedback on behalf of its members, based on information and views compiled between 2018 to present. MEMSA supports the continuation of the incentive, and advocates for further streamlining of the administrative requirements, easier access for SMMEs, broadening the definition of R&D to which the incentive applies, and an integrated suite of interventions to support local RDI in the mining value chain.

MEMSAs Submission